Virtual committee opportunities

“Membership on an LCPCM committee is easier than ever now that meetings are on-line. It is an exciting opportunity to work with LCPCs and LGPCs from all over the state. Meet new colleagues, contribute to the advancement of your profession, while having a stimulating and enjoyable time. LCPCM needs your ideas and talents to achieve our vision as an association. Committee Chairs are inviting you to join. Choose the committee that interests you the most. To email the Chair for more information, click on their name.

Professional Development Committee (plan trainings, webinars, conferences)

Chair-Hillary Alexander

Membership Committee (provide services to members, new member outreach, and non-member recruitment)

Chair - To Be Announced

Graduate Student and LGPC Service Committee (focus on the unique needs of developing clinical professional counselors)

Chair-Dr. Saundra Lynch Ervin

Strategic planning Committee (Help LCPCM’s progress toward achieving our goals)

Chair-Angela Mazer

Legislative Committee (Working with LCPCM’s professional lobbyists, you can have a voice in the laws and regulations effecting LCPC practice and the patients we serve.

Chair-Lou Trescott

LCPCM | P.O. Box 7762, Wilmington, NC 28406  • 443-370-1255 •
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